My name is Carrie and I am living in India serving at Sarah's Covenant Homes, an orphanage for abandoned children with physical and developmental disabilities. I am a foster mama to twelve beautiful girls with special needs. They bring me incredible amounts of joy! I feel so blessed that God has called me to live this life.

*The children's blog names (not their real names) are used online to protect their privacy.

"I will not leave you as orphans. I will come to you." John 14:18

Tuesday, June 3, 2014


I am leaving for India two weeks from today. My flight ended up being booked for a few days later than I had originally intended, so I will be leaving on the 17th!

As I prepare to hop on the plane, so many things have been racing through my mind. Am I really ready to become a foster mom to seven girls with disabilities? Am I really ready to leave my home and everyone I know? As soon as I start to worry God gives me peace.

Yes, I am ready. The Lord has been preparing me for this all my life. I've loved people with disabilities since I was in kindergarten. God sent me to HVA for high school where there was a phenomenal Special Ed program. I learned so much from Mr. Lee and his staff. I worked at Camp Wesley Woods for three summers where I got to live with kids 24/7 and show them the love of God. I had a wonderful daycare job at Starting Points Childcare where I became a pro potty trainer. God has been preparing me in countless ways for years.

A lot of things regarding my time in India have changed over the past couple weeks. I am now going to be fostering 7 instead of 6! Leah just came to SCH and was added to our foster family a couple weeks ago. From what I know about her, she sounds a whole lot like my friend Margarita which makes me really excited!

Marla (my girls' current foster mom) got really sick and is having to leave early. Join me in praying for her health and her emotional/spiritual well being. This means when I get to India, I'll hit the ground running and dive straight into fostering on my own. 

I recently found out that we are getting another foster mom at SCH who will be partnering with me and living beside me. I could not be more excited! Abby will be arriving at the beginning of August and she will be fostering the other young school girls. Abby and I have been talking quite a bit and I am so thankful I will have someone to walk through life with in India. 

I've been praying for a long time that God would send a foster mom for these girls and that God would give me a best friend to do life with. I desperately wanted someone to talk to, do Bible studies with, and basically be my best friend in India. 

Abby and I have already decided we are going to be best buds which makes me really excited! I am about to leave for Nashville where I'll visiting a couple high school and college friends and also meet Abby in person! Tomorrow (Wednesday) Abby will arrive in Nashville on the megabus and we will have a "12 hour date" during which we will get to know each other, talk about SCH and our kids, pray together and just start to build a strong relationship before we're together in India. 

I am going to post a couple more blogs before I leave, then I'll finally be in India! And you can start following this great adventure God is leading Heidi, Angel, Chelsea, Leah, Paula, Naomi, Stephanie, and myself on. :)

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